Data Managment Software & AirQWeb
Turnkey Instruments Australia
Data Management
We have developed specialist software and applications to support users of Turnkey’s instruments with the recording, analysis and reporting of data.
With our data management solutions it is possible to:
- Share information worldwide, in real time
- Store data securely
- View results anywhere on any internet connected device
- Search results online
- Analyse results and compare data
- Extract results using our ready made API
- Control connected testing equipment remotely
Air pollution
AirQWeb is our specially-designed online interface, which was developed for use with our internet-connected environmental monitoring equipment.
It works with the iPM, Osiris and Topas airborne particle monitors and the iDB and iVIBE noise monitors the online application will connect to these devices via our turnkey power portal communication equipment to automatically upload data in real time.
Our AirQ software is Windows-compatible software and allows users to collect, manage and display results from our range of environment sensors.
Our WinSim Windows-compatible software is ideal for the storage, analysis and reporting of brake testing data.
Our software and applications are available to users of Turnkey’s testing instruments, and can be downloaded directly from our website or the appropriate app store.
AirQWeb is Turnkey’s specially-designed online interface, which was designed for use with our internet-connected environmental monitoring equipment.
It works with airborne particle monitors (Topas, Osiris and DustMate), gas monitors (iGAS), and noise & vibration monitors (iDB and iVIBEseismic). The online application will connect to these devices via our Web Server and automatically download data in real time.
To use AirQWeb, you will need to register for an account. Once registered, AirQWeb offers users an online platform for viewing results anywhere on any mobile device. It can be used for analysis of the data as well as creating graphs and reports.
All data is stored securely and can be searched and viewed online. Data can also be viewed on a map by location, so it is possible to check the data from a monitor anywhere in the world from the comfort of your desk or living room.
Results are collected from the monitors on the relevant quantities being measured (in units as specified by the instrument, e.g. TSP, PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 for dust). Reports and graphs can be created quickly, and can easily be exported to Excel or other formats for further analysis or sharing.
With AirQWeb, you will have maximum flexibility. Monitoring instruments can be controlled remotely so it is possible to start and stop sampling, change settings and set alerts for your internet-connected devices from anywhere with an internet connection.
To use AirQWeb, you will need one of our air pollution or noise & vibration monitors, running with a Turnkey Web Server.
AirQ Software
AirQ is Turnkey’s specially developed software which is compatible with windows and will collect, manage and display results from our environmental sensors.
Our experts have developed our own software and apps in-house to ensure they work seamlessly with our specialist monitoring equipment allowing our users to manage their data and results effectively. AirQ software is compatible with Turnkey’s Topas, Osiris and DustMate monitors.
Our AirQ software can be used to record and analyse air quality information TSP, PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 as well as other data monitored by external sensors such as noise pollution levels and pollutant gases.
It can also be used to record climate and weather data such as ambient temperature, wind speed, wind heading, and relative humidity which can be helpful in creating a complete picture and in tracking the source of any pollution.
Data can be recorded, analysed and displayed in real-time. With AirQ complex information can easily be converted into graphs which can quickly be interpreted visually. These are ideal for sharing results and information with others or including in reports. For example, with AirQ a live on screen ‘pollution rose’ can be created which plots measurements against wind heading on a polar chart.
AirQ includes the facility to store results in a searchable database, data can then be analysed based on specific requirements such as a set time period, sample or location. This enables users to create historical reports or to compare results and measure improvements or deterioration over time.

Our AirQ software is available to download free of charge for users of our monitoring equipment.
For upgrading AirQ software you already have installed. (If you need to install from new; use the full installer instead)
For installing AirQ on a new computer. (Don’t use this for upgrading an existing installation; use the updater instead)
WinSim is our specially-developed Windows software for the storage, analysis and reporting of brake testing data. It was designed to be compatible with Turnkey’s Simret or BrakeSafe range of brake compliance testers.
With WinSim, brake test results can be downloaded directly from your Simret or BrakeSafe device straight to your computer. The software enables the user to store results data in a searchable database. Results can be interrogated by date, examiner, vehicle name or instrument serial number. Data can be used to easily create graphs and reports, which can be viewed on-screen or printed. Test results can also be exported from WinSim to Excel for further analysis or for sharing with others who don’t have the same software.
WinSim also offers the functionality to add on-screen notes – perfect for detailing additional information such as specific test conditions.
A scheduling function allows users to create graphs illustrating average test results over a period of up to a year. It can also be used for planning and signing off vehicle testing schedules.
WinSim is popular with test centres and those responsible for tracking the compliance of fleet and site vehicles. It makes recording and monitoring results straightforward, even for large volumes of vehicles. We recommend downloading this software to get the most from your Simret and BrakeSafe testers.

For upgrading WinSim software you already have installed. (If you need to install from new; use the full installer instead)
For installing WinSim on a new computer. (Don’t use this for upgrading an existing installation; use the updater instead)
Turnkey Power Portal
The Turnkey PowerPortal and Powerportal Plus were developed for use with our range of environmental instruments. These devices allow you to connect any Osiris or Topas dust monitor by means of a WIFI internet connection or 4G data connection.
The Turnkey PowerPortal offers a practical solution to monitoring and managing your devices remotely, and allows you to automatically upload results from any of our air/noise/gas monitoring devices. making it a great option if you need to view and analyse results from instruments located on sites away from the office.
AirQWeb will automatically link with Google maps and satellite images for the Web Server’s location, enabling you to pan and zoom online to remotely inspect the locations where instruments are active.
Power portal comes as standard with iPM,iDB and iVIBE monitors but If you already have an Osiris or Topas, the Power Portal can easily be added at a later date.